What Caused You Pain Today, Will Make You Stronger Tomorrow

To everyone who fell down and stood up by themselves,
To every tear shed, and a heart broken,

To every failure, heartache and mistake,

I just want to say that, it’s not okay, but it is bearable. 

There is nothing wrong with picking yourself up after a great downfall, remember that it is not because you are lonely, but because you a brave. It is okay to cry, because at the end, it only shows that you are human, vulnerable to feel.

Sometimes we think that we are offended by other people because they are driven by their humane emotions that we forget that we are allowed to get hurt too, because as human beings, we can feel pain too.

If they hurt you, fight back. It’s not wrong to protect yourself. If you fail, try again. Take note that nobody succeeded in their first try, and that’s okay. The length of the time you invested is not important, what matters is that at the end, you finish strong. If you are hurt, cry. That does not make you a coward, as long as you stand up after wiping your tears and continue on.

There is always gonna be those people who will attack your weakness, rain on your parade and those people who will try their hardest to kill the fire inside your soul, but keep in mind that they can’t break you, because they do not have that power. You always have the upper hand so, take those stones they throw at you and make a castle out of it.

All of the pain that you’ve endured today, will only be scars tomorrow. It will always be there to remind you of what you’ve been through, but it won’t hurt again. It will only remain as something to remind you which path to take and which path to avoid to stop you from making the same mistakes. It will make you wiser, and braver.